The future of organ transplants
Surgeons at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have successfully transplanted kidneys from a genetically modified pig into the abdomen of a 57-year-old brain-dead man. According to the New York Times, the kidneys functioned well without signs of rejection. The...
Virtual reality allows surgeons to walk through the human heart
When Brayden Otten was born, his tiny heart, about the size of a walnut, couldn’t effectively pump his blood. A team of surgeons at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center managed to save his life with some workarounds to help his blood circulate,...
How music can help heal a broken heart
What song makes your heart pound? Do you get breathless from “Total Eclipse of the Heart?” Does Whitney Houston’s cover of “I Will Always Love You” get you going? Or maybe you’re old school and nothing makes your pulse race quite...
FDA issues black box warning for breast implants
The Food and Drug Administration placed a “black box” warning on breast implants to advise patients of health risks and side effects, according to the New York Times. Federal regulators ordered manufacturers to only sell implants to providers who agree to...
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