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Winter Assignment Tips

Whether you are in Washington, Alaska, Vermont or North Dakota you are bound to encounter snow this winter. If you are coming from a warmer state that doesn’t experience snow, you may not be prepared. We have put together a small list of things you can do to help make your assignment in winter wonderland a little bit easier.

#1.       Start your car before you leave

While you are getting ready, run out and start your car. Turn the defrost and heat on. This will help ensure you aren’t late to work. If you must scrape snow and ice off your windows, you could become late. Turning the defrost on early should help eliminate or greatly reduce that problem. Not only will you have clean windows, you will have a warm car to get into on the way to work. You don’t have to leave it running all morning, but 5-10 minutes before you leave will greatly help.

#2.       Keep a spare pair of boots in your vehicle

If you are going to work, chances are you are wearing your work shoes. It is always a good idea to keep a spare pair of winter/rubber boots in your vehicle in case you may need them. You may need them walking from the parking lot into your building or if you were to get stuck somewhere. It never hurts to be over prepared!

#3        Don’t forget your winterwear

If you are coming from a state that doesn’t get cold very often it may be hard to find winterwear to pack. (Winterwear would be gloves, hats, jackets, etc.) If you are in that situation, you can order online or buy when you get to your destination. If you are able to shop before you leave, don’t forget to pack them!


There are many ways you can prepare for your winter assignment. We hope these tips will help make your assignment a little bit easier and don’t forget to enjoy your time in your new destination!

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